Pay Points
Pay points provide a method of grouping employees into physical locations. Pay advices are always printed in employee code order of pay point for ease of distribution. Several reports are also available which group employees in pay point order. You must create at least one pay point in the system.
Opening the Pay Points File:
To open the pay point file, do one of the following:
- From the navigator go to Payroll | Payroll Framework, then select the Pay Points node.
- From the navigator go to Company | Maintain company details. In the company maintenance window, select the Pay Points node on the left.
Adding a Pay Point:
- Once the Pay Point file is open, select the Pay Points node on the left, then click the Add New button on the right.
- In the pop-up window enter a description for the pay point.
- Click OK to save your new pay point.
- You can now link employees to that pay point as required.
Editing a Pay Point:
- Once the Pay Point file is open, select the pay point on the left, then double click the required entry on the right.
- Edit the text for the pay point as required.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Linking an Employee to a Pay Point:
- Edit the employee file using an F3 search.
- In the employee file select the Pay Items node on the left.
- On the right select the Details tab if it is not already selected.
- From the Pay Point drop down list select the required pay point for this employee.